Bullet journaling is a journaling format usually done in in a stationary with either dotted, gridded or blank pages.
All though it is open ended, meaning the individual can use this any way they would like, it is trending to use it for tracking lifestyle habits.
I started my journal only 4 months ago and wanted to share the starting process. My journal may not hold the perfection of some other experienced users; however I have been highly enjoying and profiting all ready from my tracking.

1. Choose WHAT you want to track
Some examples are: sleep schedule, reading, workouts, naps,
watering plants, nutrition tracking, monthly cycle, emotions,
making the bed. The possibilities are endless!
Choose what you want to track. Why are you starting this journal.
2. Choose HOW you are going to track
Are you going to write in your journal in the morning or evening?
Once you have got a routine for when you are going to enter your daily information. There is sooo many options of how to track this information. It is literally limitless.
The beauty of a bullet journal is that it is open to the owners interpretation so whichever way is going to be effective for you is the way you can do it. If you are minimal, make it black and white, fill in the squares - if you like detail, fill it up make it beautiful add cute drawings. Whatever way you want to make your journal to you can make it.
Personally mine is a bit of “organized chaos”, which seems to be just the way I like it. A lot of space for notes and maybe a bit too much colour. So far each month as I notice things I want to change about my journal I note them down and the next month I make this change.
3. Start
This is the most important step. Open up that stationary and just get started. Don’t worry too much about the design or comparing to seemingly professionals on YouTube. Just start making notes and you will evolve as you go. Try not to be a perfectionist and just deep dive in your own self analyses.